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KoeigikuSNOW CRESCENT 無濾過生原酒 山田錦原酒生酒無濾過
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After all this time, I opened a bottle of Snoclet Yamadanishiki. The aroma is sour carbonated fruity. When you drink it, it is shwashy, with a mild umami, citrus-like acidity, bitterness, and rice. This is a delicious rice soda. When mixed, the rice flavor increases and becomes mellow and mild. After that, it disappears with a moderate bitterness and acidity. The next day, when I tried to drink the rest of the bottle, the lid was missing... I have seen this happen before with some other sakes, but this time it had fallen off again, this time near the cellar. A very energetic sake. When I drank it, the schwarziness was indeed reduced. The sweetness of the rice and the wood? Aroma of grassland? like aroma...I did not notice this aroma on the first day. Perhaps the carbonation has weakened and the flavor has become more discernible. The taste is delicious. It disappears with a slight bitterness at the end. If I have a chance, I would like to try another sake made from different rice.
Good evening Kotaro 🍶. I too had a bottle of cork playing around in the fridge 😂. It's a very healthy drink 😋.
Hi Matsuchiyo, ☀️ I knew you'd blow the snorkel out of the water at every house 🤣. I'm not a fan of the "open bottle" warning tag, so I'm inclined to think that healthy sake with no more corks = good sake. ☺️