Niigata Sake🍶What to drink next...
Crikey! (◎_◎;)
Alcoholic content of 21 degrees! (◎_◎;)
It's my first time to drink sake ^ ^.
Smell of alcohol is strong!
Curious, I took a sip... Ugh, it's hot!
And my throat got so hot!
I drink 25% shochu on the rocks, but this 21% shochu was a little too strong for me (>_<).
My father will drink the rest of the sake every day.
I wanted to try all of the Niigata sake set, but I drank a lot of other things besides sake, so I could only drink two bottles this time.
I look forward to the day when we can drink delicious sake together as a family again.
MAMIKO, good morning ☀️!
21 degrees dry! It looks like it's going to blow fire 🔥.
Sounds like you were able to recharge a lot of energy at your parents' house⤴️⤴️⤴️.
Good morning, Pon-chan~!
I had only imagined how delicious it would be.
I was surprised at how spicy it was when I put it in my mouth and it went down my throat.
I was able to relax at my parents' house for the first time in a while.
That's a lot of sigma!
I think I'm going to fall asleep after just one glass...-_-...💤.
I'm going to refresh myself in the countryside until the day I can come back again.
p(*^-^*)q Good luck!
Thank you, Erin~(*´-`)
I enjoyed a lot of Akita sake 🍶 + Niigata sake 🍶 and was able to relax ^ ^.
It took me a long time to drink a glass of this sake💦I drank 🍑gulps of sweet peach wine to refresh my palate (๑˃˃˃).