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中善 cocoromi純米吟醸生酒
ましゃSake brewed with test rice called cocoromi by Nakazen Shuzo, which brews Zenkichi and Nakanori, both of which are rapidly gaining popularity. This sake is made with test rice (Shinko No. 555). Hmmm... I don't remember the store where I bought it 😓. Probably the usual kadoya sake store 💦. I don't think it's hanpukai because there's no sticker, and if it's hanpukai, I think Rafa already reviewed it 🤔... But the note I keep on my iPad says it's refreshingly tart, light and tasty. I'm sure Rafa has already reviewed it if it's a hanpukai 🤔. I'm going to put a memo to post on sakéwani, which started as a reminder of the sake I drank... I'm a silly drinker who has fallen into a state of inversion 🤣.
アラジンThanks for your help, Masha-san😄 Nakazen's cocoromi was sold in stores, at least at Kadoya Sake Shop, because they have received a small amount of it. I don't know about the hanpukai, I haven't joined it....
ポンちゃんHi Masha! I thought I've never seen this label before, it's a test brew 😳‼️ precious experience, I like it ❣️ Masha, I've been turning mine over lately too 🤣.
ましゃGood evening, Aladdin 😊. I saw it at Kadoya after all! I'm sure you saw it at Kadoya 😄I'm sure of it then😊I'm sure you bought an extra one when you received your hanpukai 🤗.
ましゃGood evening, Pon-chan 😊. From Aladdin's report, I guess he found it in the fridge when he went to pick up his hanpukai sake and picked it up out of curiosity🤣. A reminder of a reminder 🤣 we're the same 😆.
Rafa papaMasha, good evening 😃. It's not kadoya san's hanpukai 😁 I can't make a reminder of the reminder, so I give up not being able to give it to you right after drinking it 🤣.
ましゃHi Rafa 😊 I knew it wasn't a distribution 😝. Looks like I bought some more 😋. I wish I could do reviews while drinking 😂. I always get so lazy after drinking... 😓