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A winter delight, freshly squeezed Shiboritate of Shiborizuru is now available! This is the most cost-effective, limited-edition, freshly pressed new sake with a rich, umami-guchi taste! A definite must-have. Miyao Sake Brewery in Murakami, the northernmost sake brewery in Niigata Prefecture, The sake is served in a Murakami carved wooden sake cup, also a traditional Murakami craft. The sake is light and pleasant to the palate. The aroma is fruity and melon-like, It has a fruity, melon-like aroma and is as smooth as water. and fresh, with a punchy, mellow flavor, At the same time, it is not as strong as the alcohol content. the alcohol content is not as strong as the alcohol content, It is easy to drink and dangerous to drink. Sweetness and sourness, astringency and bitterness, I don't feel any strong sweetness, acidity, astringency, or bitterness, It's just delicious. Delicious! With my favorite salted salmon. Delicious. === Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic) Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic), brewers' alcohol Rice : Koji rice (Gohyakumangoku), Kake rice (Koshibuki) Rice Polishing Ratio: 60 Alcohol Content: 20 1,261 yen per 720ml === The company's website is ★★★★★