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Sakuyabi純米吟醸 直汲み荒走り純米吟醸荒走り
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
Sakuyabi. It is a sake made by Takamusume Shuzo in Gunma Prefecture🍶. The name of the brewery is also somewhat catchy 😁. The color of the label seems to be different for each sake rice, and this one is Miyamanishiki. Takamusume Sake Brewery was founded in 1872. The representative brand name "Takamusume" was derived from a wish in the mid-Meiji period to celebrate the birth of a baby girl and hope that she would grow up to be loved and respected by everyone. Sakiyami is a direct distillation of Ki-musume. Sakuyami is said to be derived from Konohana-no-sakuyabime, the god of easy childbirth and prosperity in sake brewing, and may have a connection to Osaka, the site of the Flower Expo 😄. The appearance is clear crystal. It has a fine bubbles on the glass. The aroma is very floral and fresh fruity ginjo aroma, the type of aroma I like very much ☺️ It seems to be made with Kyokai 1801 yeast. The mouthfeel is stimulated by light acidity and gasiness. It starts with sourness, then a hint of sweetness, followed by a refreshing acidity that finishes at the back of the throat. The final stage of the taste is umami. It is very tasty, but I would like to have a little more flavor to go with the gorgeous aroma! The owner told me that the previous BY had a bit more sweetness and flavor, so I would like to keep an eye on the Sakiyami! Thank you for the sake 🍶.
Good evening, Aladdin! I think it's a very, very nice name! And I have to agree with "I want to read it with Hana-yori" 🌸I personally was also very impressed with the origin of the name...! I'd like to look for it in the neighboring prefecture ✨.
Good evening, chiaki😃. Spring sake flowers are already blooming in the sake world, among them Sakiyami is beautiful from its name🌸. I haven't had much Gunma sake so far, but I'm sure there are still some good ones out there 🍶.