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Natsumikan by Murayu! Summer vacation, riding a bike to Miyakoya in the heat to buy sake! Exercise, exercise, exercise to drink sake everyday! I'm really glad that I can now buy Mura-yu at my neighborhood Miyakoya. Just like the color of the label and the pretty leaves, it has a sweet, tangerine-like aroma. The sweet, tangerine-like aroma, the The aroma is sweet and tangerine-like, with a refreshing citrusy sweet and sour taste. Fruity juicy mouthfeel! The low alcohol content makes it easy to enjoy. However, this one is not so bad. The sweet and sour taste is softly enhanced It is also recommended to be served lukewarm. It is recommended to be served lukewarm. It has a calm and quiet mouthfeel and is very refreshing. It is also good to drink slowly and leisurely. It is also good to drink slowly and leisurely. Even a four-pack of this sake will be gone in no time. Great taste! === Rice malted rice Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice malt (domestic) Alcohol content: 13%. Cold, lukewarm 720ml 1,485yen === The bottle is available at ★★★★☆