SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Koeigiku月下無頼 雄町
tomoさんKumamoto Off-line Meeting Report⑭ Off-line meeting is finally in the last stage! The second drink we ordered from the all-you-can-drink menu was Koei Kiku Tsukishita Muyori Omachi Personally, it has been a long time since I have had a Koeikiku. This is different from other Koeikiku. First of all, it has a high alcohol content (17%). The other Koeikiku are relatively light and easy to drink, and in my opinion, feel like rum, but this one is a solid sake. I'm not sure if that's accurate or not 😅. I have the same one sitting in my fridge, so I'll do a full review at a later date 😁.