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Shikishima夢山水 特別純米 無濾過生原酒
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This time it is Shikishima. This time it is Shikishima, a sake made in Aichi Prefecture. I've been wanting to drink Shikishima for a while, and the other day I finally went to a liquor store that carries it, so I brought home a bottle that is perfect for this season. The color of the label is the same color as my cell phone cover, which is also a point 🩵. I will drink it cold. The color has a slight yellow tinge. Fine bubbles also appear in the glass. The top aroma is of sweet ripe apples with a hint of Japanese pear. When you take a sip, the mouthfeel is slightly thickened, and you can taste the sweet and juicy sweetness of apples and the sweetness of koji. The aftertaste is unexpectedly refreshing, thanks in part to the effect of the slight foaming, while softly tasting the sweetness of the koji. The crispness from the juicy sweet and sour taste in the first half is very pleasant. It's juicy and smooth to drink, but you have to be careful because of the 18% alcohol content💦. I'm going to let it sit for a week and drink it according to the label on the back. I think this is the boxy aroma you all mentioned. The juiciness is subdued, and the sweetness is gradually giving way to a chewy, smoky flavor. This is also delicious. I feel that if I let it sit for a while, the balance of sweetness and bitterness will come together more lightly. Shikishima, I like it a lot. Is it unique? Maybe the sky blue label is easier to drink 😉.
Good morning, Peco 🐥. Shikishima, which I missed drinking at the offline meeting, looks very tasty freshly opened and very smoky when you put it on ❣️ 😊Boxes are? I was wondering 🤔I like change so I was even more curious 😁.
Hi, Hirupeko 😃 Shikishima-san! We only drank Hiyadoroshi 🥲, same as you, it was 18 degrees but you didn't feel it 😋 I wonder if it will be smoked after a week 😆. The cell phone cover is a nice, calm color 🩵.
Good evening, Pon-chan. I was conscious of it because everyone who drank Shikishima said it looked like cardboard. I'll leave it to Pon-chan to review the passage of time 😊.
Good evening Jay & Nobby. I think the juiciness will settle down after a while and the smokiness will be easier to recognize 😅If you see J&N, try it too 😊.