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Sake from Wakayama, Japan RYUJINMARU Junmai Ginjo Nama-no-Hara Sake This sake was introduced in the manga "Moyashimon" and quickly became famous and difficult to obtain. Since "Moyashimon" was published in 2005, the crisis of sake has been introduced in the manga for quite some time. I was lucky to be able to purchase it because I wanted to drink it at least once when I was reading the manga. Moyashimon" was a favorite anime of my daughters, who were in elementary school at the time, and they collected many stuffed toys of Orizee and his friends. I was deeply moved to be able to drink Ryujinmaru with my daughter 18 years later. Ryujinmaru tastes very fruity, just as it is presented in the manga. Today, fruity sake is on the rise, but back then, light and dry sake was the mainstream, and sweet sake was made with a lot of additives. Sake from those days tended to be avoided because it gave people a bad hangover. Nowadays, as shown in the manga, junmai (pure rice) sake is increasingly made using traditional methods. One reason may be that more and more toji (master brewers) are graduating from Tokyo University of Agriculture. I would be happy if "Moyashimon" was the catalyst for this trend. Degree of liking 10/10
Good morning, nenemu 😃. We are new to sake, we know that Ryujinmaru is a rare sake, but we didn't know about Moyashimon 😅It's very emotional to have a saki drink with your daughter who was in elementary school at that time 🥹.
Thank you for your comment! Ryujinmaru is so rare that many people don't even know it exists. I had a drink with my daughter while talking about memories of Yashimonos. It was a good time.