SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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What a stroke of luck! I met the full moon label. It's usually crescent-shaped, but one in 120 bottles has a full moon label. I found it by chance at a liquor store when I went on a trip to Kagawa. I felt it was ironic that a citizen of Okayama Prefecture met a sake from Okayama in Kagawa, so I bought it immediately! This sake also uses the same Hakuto yeast as the Yume-no-Hana we drank the other day. The aroma is a mix of sweet fruity and matured aroma like unrefined sake and koji. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel a tingling sensation in your mouth and the flavor will spread. It was like it was going to snap with the spiciness. I prefer a refreshing sake in the summer, so I would like to encounter this sake again in the winter.