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Honkin美青 うすにごり 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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The aroma is sour and a little alcoholic, with a hint of Nara-zuke? When you drink it, just the top clear layer has a sapidity, and the acidity and rice come in a rush along with the alcohol feeling. The bitter taste at the end and the lingering aftertaste are slightly sake-like. When mixed, the aroma and the taste become less like Nara-zuke, and the taste becomes a little sweeter. The sake and bitterness fade away, and the taste becomes mellow and slightly fruity. It is easy to drink and delicious. I like it. After the next day, it becomes sweeter, less carbonated, and mellower. The sweetness is there, but the flavor comes before it is felt strongly, and the acidity gives it a kick. It seems to go well on its own or during a meal. Overall, the impression is refreshing and crisp, but the flavor is also strong, and I enjoyed it.
Good morning, Kotaro 😃. Honkin-san! It's delicious 🤗 It has a unique presence among Shinshu sake and it's one that left a great impression on me. ☺️ I'll want to drink it again when I see this!
Hi Jay & Nobby, ☀️ This was my first time at Honkin, it's delicious ☺️ I see! I'm a novice, but I find all Shinshu sake to be delicious, but it certainly has a unique presence 🤔✨. If you come across it again, by all means👍.