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Sogenにごり酒 本醸造生酒にごり酒
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Sake from Sogen Sake Brewery in Sumoto City, which was damaged this time. They said they had given up brewing this year, but I just checked their website and found that they have restarted. I hope they will do their best, and I will support them. This is Noto's winter-only honjozo nigori sake, released in November 2011. It seems to be nigori sake from a brewery that brews sake in the traditional Noto style. Unlike doburoku, it is delicious with a refreshing taste and a tangy feeling. It also goes well with sashimi. Alcohol content 15%. Sake degree -8 Acidity 1.6 Amino acidity 1.65 Rice used: Notohikari (Ishikawa), glutinous rice (Ishikawa), Gohyakumangoku (Ishikawa) Polishing ratio (Kake rice/Koji rice) 65%, 65 Yeast Kyokai No.7