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Hankyu Department Store (阪急うめだ本店)
Hankyu Brewery Festival ④ This is my personal favorite brewery, but I visit Hankyu several times a year and the only distributor in Kansai is Umemoto Sake Shop in Nishinakajima-Minamikata, so I have not been able to drink it.... There must be very few distributors nationwide. I tasted the following Junmai Ginjo Nama Shu 369 Junmai nigori sake Omboloyuki Urushinoh Daiginjo Shizukutori Chokai Honor I bought and drank 369 in the past, so I omitted it. Oboroyuki is sweet and I like it a lot. Urushinoh is said to be Hitomebore, which is a rice produced outside of the standard range. It has a good taste of rice and moderate sweetness. The acidity is impressive. Toward the end, there is a Sakura Masamune-like feeling of the sake, perhaps because it is made with No. 1 yeast. The Daiginjo was just as good as usual. The brewer seemed quiet and talked a lot. He seemed quiet and talked a lot. He reacted to my watch, and when I asked him about it, he said he was curious about the watches other people were wearing. His watch also had a unique look, but he said he didn't like watches.
Hello bouken! I've forgotten how hard it is to find this brand 😳I forgot to drink it 😅😅. I forgot to drink it 😳 Interesting brewer, isn't it? I don't even like it but I'm curious 🤣.
Hi Ponchan 😃 I think women will like it because there are a lot of gentle sweet drinks overall😊Mamma Mia is especially recommended 😋I'm sure you'll be an interesting person to get to know 🤣.