SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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This time it is Hyakugakumon Junmai Ginjyo Nama Genjyo, a.k.a. Rainbow. The characters are rainbow 🌈. It is a sake from Gosho City, Nara Prefecture. Hyakurakumon is personally attracting a lot of attention this year, I brought this sake home when I heard that Mr. Taniguchi, the co-president of the company, would be visiting the store for an event. The aroma is sweet cotton candy with a hint of apple. It has a thickened mouthfeel. The juicy sweetness and deliciousness is balanced by the acidity and bitterness, and the balance between the rich sweetness and sharpness that is typical of Omachi is very pleasant. At this event, Hyakurakumon prepared two types of sake, Rainbow and Sae, and they are both made from the same Omachi, but they are made differently for sweet and dry tastes. At first impression, I thought I would choose the dry Sae, but when I tasted the Rainbow, I was surprised, The first taste was sweet! Too sweet? But when I tasted it one more time, I thought it might be easy to drink because it was sweet but had a clean aftertaste. The first impression is not everything when it comes to alcohol 😊. Just now at work, a coworker knew I loved it and gave me some Aomori's specialty squid crackers 🦑 thanks 😆. Ika senbei definitely goes well with Rainbow! Wow, the best!
Hi Hirupeko, good evening 🌇The ika senbei are good 😋I like the one with the picture of the fisherman on the bottom right, I may have never had this one?
Good morning, Hirupeco 😃. Indeed! The first sip pulls you in 😅 sometimes when you drink it later it's something else 😳🤔. but I'd like to drink the sae 😄. I also want to eat 🦑 squid crackers 🍘 too!
Good evening, Mr. Manachie. I only know this ika senbei, but I see they also have one with a picture of a fisherman on it. Maybe I'll order some next time 🤔🦑.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby. Some flavors you can't tell just from first impressions😊Ika senbei is sweet and tasty like Nanbu senbei with sakiyaki on top. If you come across it, try it!