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Aizu Souvenir, the second bottle at Aizu Shurakukan. Tenmei no Akebono Shuzo's other brand, Isei Seishun, has a wonderful name! It is a new sake, ogara-mi, and raw sake. I expected it to be good! I'm not going to lie! Refreshing, clean aroma with a hint of citrus, especially grapefruit. Citrusy, especially grapefruit-like Refreshing, refreshing, crisp, bitter and slightly sweet taste. and a slight sweetness. Delicious! Sweet and sour, youth. I want to be a youth for the rest of my life... I love youth. I want to start junior high and high school all over again. I want to go on a school trip! === Ingredients Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic) Rice: locally grown Yumen no Kou Rice polishing ratio: 60 Alcohol content: 16 1,474 yen for 720ml === The company's website is ★★★★☆