I was rummaging around for something good to drink 😑 and found "S Wind Forest First Edition" 💡.
S is for Super 😳.
(Note: it's not the same thing)
I had to buy it 😤.
I grabbed the bottle and bought it ❗️
Now, the opening ceremony 🍶.
It says in large letters 👀 that the "cork will fly out".
......be careful with this one 😒....
I was so wary, but I managed to open the bottle safely: 😮💨
It has a thin sweetness and a standard acidity 😙.
The carbonation is subdued and slightly squishy 🫧.
The usual thick sweetness is a shadow of its former self, and seems a bit restrained. However, it also has a delicious flavor and never feels light. ☺️
The taste is more refreshing than the previous Kaze no Mori, and it goes down your throat like flowing water 🩵.
It also has a faint scent of cedar wood, and if you look for it, you can find a lot of colorful flavors.
S-kaze no mori has a new feel to it 😄.
I think it is the happiest thing for nonbeers to be able to enjoy the evolution of sake by giving us new challenges. We live in a good time 🤗
An added bonus is the ambassador card 🪪 which is great for fans: ❣️
Good evening, Hiro 😃.
S Kaze no Mori FE, I drank it too!
I hope to pass on the happiness of encountering new sake to the next generation 🍶.
The scent of cedar that transfers to the sake brewed at the Sanroku brewery may only be available now!
I hope many of you will become ambassadors 😊.
Aladdin, good evening 🌙
I see you drank S Kaze no Mori. ❗️ I hope these new alcoholic beverages will be available and the younger generation will learn the joy of drinking alcohol 😄.
Is the scent of cedar only available now? ⁉️ I didn't know that. That must have been a valuable experience 😆.