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Nagatoro~La neige d'ete~ (うすにごり)純米吟醸原酒生酒にごり酒
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This is the sake I got from Nocchi 🍶. Hmmm, I wonder how to read it 🤔It's Nagatoro, isn't it? There's a Nagatoro-cho ❗ I'm so impressed by this sake I've never seen before 😂. Thank you, Nochi 🙇. Oh, I like the sharp taste with a soft sweetness and a lingering aftertaste 🙇 ✌️ This is another delicious sake 🎵I'll be a repeat customer when I find it ❗ I heard it's a revived brewery, I'm glad it's back because it's a delicious sake 😊.
Good evening, Mr. Menshuoh 😃. Nagatoro is located in Chichibu, the westernmost part of Saitama Prefecture, on the border with Yamanashi and Gunma Prefectures. Nagatoro is a mountain stream area with the headwaters of the Arakawa River and is a leisure spot where you can go line rafting! It is a nice place, so please visit if you have a chance!
Hi Aladdin 😃 I'm glad to hear that you are familiar with this place ‼️ 😉 It's a nice place with activities ✨I'd love to go there 😊.