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WakamusumeTropical Bunbun 純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒 うすにごり純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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I went to a liquor store for the first time for another brand, and they had a blind tasting of some of the other good bottles they had in stock. I thought I didn't like tropical drinks that much, but I didn't feel it was tropical at all at the store...but I thought if I kept it too long, it might taste different from the store's, so I skipped the other drinks and opened the bottle. The aroma is pineapple with some coconut? It certainly tastes tropical. The top clear liquid is pineapple. I am not sure what my tongue was thinking when I tasted it, but it is good because it tastes so good. The sweetness and umami come softly, and finish with a slight bitterness. When mixed, the rice flavor increases and the pineapple flavor settles down. The sweetness is gradually absorbed. It is not sticky because it disappears rather quickly at the end. It's not too sticky, but this is closer to the tasting. It is low in alcohol content, but satisfying and tastes great with a sweet, sour, and refreshing taste. After the next day, the fizz decreases. The aroma is pineapple, but when you drink it, it is not so much. After all, when mixed, it becomes more like rice. Juicy, softly sweet and umami, with a little bitterness at the end and a tropical aftertaste. I tried it with green curry for the reason that it has a tropical flavor, and it was delicious.
Good evening, Kotaro 😃. This wakamusume! I've never seen it before‼️ I like the feeling of summer ☀️ 🤗If I match it with green curry, I already feel tropical 🏝️ 😄
Good morning, Jay & Nobby, ☀️ It's hard to tell from the picture, but the label was pretty and summery with sparkles all over ☺️ It was tropical without being sweet and tasted deliciously tropical 🏝️ with the curry 😋✨
Hello, Kotaro 😃I was hesitant to get my hands on this wakamusume because it seems to have a different atmosphere from the usual ones. But I see that it's tropical and not sweet 🏝️ so I guess I'll go after it after all 😆.
Good evening, Mr. Wakata! I was a bit nervous at first too 😝 It's sweet, but the light sizzle and final sharpness make it a refreshing and tasty tropical drink. ☺️🏝️ Please chase it up and try it👍✨