SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Tsukasabotan裏 純米生酒純米生酒
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We went to Momorin, the second store of Torin Honten, which we visited last week. Our friendly waitress was at this restaurant this week! I was looking forward to the all-you-can-drink service, as she accepts it even if you are alone! We started with Ura Shibotan! Tsukiyotan has a strong image of dry sake, but it is juicy! Maybe because it's a draft sake! We enjoyed asparagus sautéed in butter, assorted sashimi, and pasta (pasta left to us) with our drinks! Knowledge Junmai Nama Sake" is specially shipped through a back channel with a reversed label. Junmai Namaishu" is limited to special dealers and reserved bottling. It has a fresh aroma with a hint of citrus fruits and a juicy, concentrated flavor. The juicy and concentrated flavor spreads in the mouth, and the soft balance is exquisite. The soft balance is exquisite. It has a dryness that is typical of Tsukasa Botan. It is a very refreshing and pleasant sake with a crisp, dry taste that is typical of Shibotan. It has a light and concentrated flavor. It is perfect as a mid-meal drink.