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Jikon雄町 火入純米吟醸
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Finally, on the way home to my new home, I had a drink at Imanaya, a restaurant in a train station ❗I saw Ji Kon, which I don't often have a chance to do, and I drank it on impulse. I drank it on impulse. It has a smooth mouthfeel, fruity pear, a bit thick, and a lot of sweet umami. The bitterness comes in afterwards and the amount of umami is amazing. Standing drink, I think I'm going to get addicted to it. 😅 🐈️🐈️🐈️
Good morning, Lara's Sake 😃. If there is such a nice place in the station on the way home, it might be inevitable that I'll get addicted to it 😅I'd like to feel the flavor of Jikin from here 🤗.
Good evening, J&N ✨. I'm really glad for the hard-to-find sake, even if it's just a standing drink. I worry about my future without the self-control not to drink too much. 😅