SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Kazegafuku Check-in 1
Kazegafuku Check-in 2Kazegafuku Check-in 3
It has been a while since I visited the Fukushima Prefecture Osaka Office in the Osaka Station Building. The attraction here is that you can buy sake, which is not often seen in Osaka, so when I asked for a rare sake, I got this one as recommended. I asked about a rare sake and got this one, which was recommended to me. But since I don't have a fixed image of Yamahai myself, I can't compare it, but I thought it had a good balance of acidity and umami. I felt it had a good balance of acidity and umami. Sake from Aizu. But Aizu is a very large area. And in the middle of the Aizu Basin, with the Aga River flowing from north to south, there seem to be many differences in culture and taste. The Shirai Sake Brewery of "The Wind Blows" is located in Aizu Misato on the west side of the Aga River (Aizu Wakamatsu is on the east side of the river). (Aizu Wakamatsu is on the east side of the river, across the river from the brewery.) Near the brewery is the Miya River, which flows into the Agano River, and the Isasumi Shrine, the first shrine in Iwashiro Province. Huh? Isn't Fukushima Prefecture the country of Mutsu? I had never heard of Iwashiro-kuni before, so I looked it up and learned that Mutsu was divided into five provinces in the Meiji era (1868-1912), and one of them was Iwashiro-kuni. Oh, I was so ignorant. However, it is very delicious to drink sake while imagining such history and the Aizu Basin. Let's try to choose Aizu's sake again!