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どぶろくみちのく山形 黒どぶ
どぶろく Check-in 1どぶろく Check-in 2
First of all, I would like to mention that the amount of unrefined sake was so much that on the second day, I didn't even want to drink any more. I'm eating moromi rather than drinking it on the second day. I don't drink the top clear anymore, but it still has this overwhelming "porridge-like" feeling. If you are a supernatant drinker, please be careful. This is the first time for me to try "Kuro Dobu", which belongs to the so-called "Craft Sake" category. It is said to be the best doburoku in Japan in the fire-roasted category at the Tokyo Doburoku Festa. First of all, there is a faint aroma of malt. Unfortunately, there is no gas already. It is considerably more fruity than Attack Amazake (......), or perhaps it is even close to Pocari Sweat with its cool and refreshing taste. And in the unrefined sake...gas? It has a texture that pops and pops, right? At the same time, the Alc sensation is also popping, but of course with a good accent! Umami +10 points! What is unique is that the heart white (the center part of the rice) is al dente, and is dotted with many "gurigori-gurigori-gurigori" (crunchy) dots. The unique thing about this dish is that the heart white (the center of the rice) is al dente and is dotted around the rice, and the texture is such that you have to crush it with your front teeth. I can't get enough of it! But I guess it's the ratio of "sake" and "unrefined sake". ...... I wonder if doburoku is "eaten" on the second day? Well, it's still perfect enough. When I get my sake brewing license someday, I would love to taste their Junmai sake!
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 🌙 So it's an eating sake 😳‼️Moromi 🤣. I've never had doburoku so I'm curious!
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran😄. I've never seen an eating doburoku before 😆👍
Hey, Pon-chan! I know this is off topic, but did you really meet Matsumura on location? That's awesome! OnA when?
Thank you, Masa-san! Well, you have to mix it up pretty well, otherwise by the second day... I'll be in a "moromi eating" situation. I'm sure you'll be in a "moromi eating" situation by the second day if you don't mix it well 🤣🤣.
It was a long time ago when we were walking on Tokaido Highway 😆. Kunihiro Matsumura and Ryuji Harada were walking around as Yajikita and it was on air when my husband and I met and talked 🤣. I was almost taken by Matsumura 🤣🤣.
Oh, wow! That's really great! I wonder if the archives have fallen into Dokka. (But don't follow strange people!)