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Kawanakajima Genbu幻舞 特別本醸造特別本醸造
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いざか家 花太郎
The second event is Kawanakajima Genshimai. This may be the first time I've seen it outside of Fukurokuju. I ordered the white label. It was always a special junmai or higher, but tonight it was a special honjozo. Aru-soze. It has no particular aroma, but it's fruity! I didn't drink it in large gulps, but sipped it in small sips with the entrée! Saikyo-yaki chicken and yakisoba noodles! Many of the entrées at this restaurant are served for 350 yen, so they are easy on the wallet! extensive knowledge This sake is made from Miyamanishiki polished to 59% and brewed in a small brewing tank, just like the other Genmai series.