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288 Nights Junmai Ginjo Tamakashiwa 100% Gohyakumangoku produced in Niigata Prefecture Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 16%. Sake meter degree: +3.8, Acidity: 1.5 (reference) Fat: 7/25 (bottle opened 8/23) This sake won the Platinum Award in France in 2018, and I tasted and bought it during my business trip to Nagoya on 7/19! Origin of the name *From the label The name "Two Hundred Eighty-eight Nights" comes from the fact that it took Mr. Takakura 288 days from rice growing to sake brewing in 1999, and Mr. Uno, who inherited his will, brewed it faithfully according to his teachings. I didn't notice any particular aroma after opening the bottle, but it had a refreshing-like feeling. The refreshing taste on the palate reminds me of a beautifully dressed young lady in summer clothes with a crisp and refreshing mouthfeel 😍. It's dry, but you can also taste a hint of sweetness, which I think is what makes it so refreshing. The spiciness may be due to the 16% alcohol content. The spiciness comes in the second half when it goes down your throat 🤩. Delicious! On the 4th day of my trip to Osaka, I went to Osaka Expo Park (Tower of the Sun) 🤯 I got a taste of Taro Okamoto's world view 🤯. By the way, last week's horses also maintained great form 💪. I hope to win a lot of single bets on these less popular horses 🎯.
Hello, Koizo! I'm not sure if this is the brand you bought in Nagoya! I don't know this brand 😅I like that it has a clear dry taste 🤗Tower of the Sun! I haven't seen it since I was a kid 🤔I only have a vague memory of it 🥲.
Good evening, kozo🦉. I was wondering if the sake is rich and mellow, but it tastes fresh and clean 😳I have never heard of Tamakashi sake rice 😊I haven't been drinking much sake from Hiroshima, so I need to get my strength up 😁.
Jay & Nobby. Good morning...sorry for the late reply 🙏 Yes! I bought this Gifu sake in Nagoya! It's moderately dry and delicious 🤤I also heard that he went to the Expo in a stroller 😅.
Pon-chan Good morning... Sorry for the late reply 🙏! It's not from Hiroshima but from Gifu 😱There is the same Tamakashiwa and I made a mistake in my selection 🙇The rice is Gohyakumangoku 🙇I also thought it was rich when I heard the name but it was light and dry.