Maru-san was drinking Yuyamanishiki, so I thought, yes, let's drink Kibotsuru! So I opened the bottle 😁.
I bought it at Ikoma Sake Shop.
There was a small amount of air bubbles in the glass. Fresh, sweet and tasty, but a little bitter in the second half, which is a nice accent.
Bitter, but the lingering sweetness gives the impression of being long-lasting.
The one I had in the past was a bit twitchy, so it was nice to have it in good condition.
Good evening, bouken🌒.
I hope to go there someday as an Icoma Sake Shop 😍Kibotsu Tsuru lover.
I had a drink before that was dated, so I was very satisfied this time 😊.
Good evening, Maru-san.
We have Haba nigori and Omachi hi-airi in stock now 🥳.
I envy you the environment where you can buy them in one bottle 😆.