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Jikon Check-in 1
Jikon Check-in 2Jikon Check-in 3
It is Hakutsuru-nishiki from our beloved sake Jikin. Because of its rarity, it was sold by lottery, but my love for sake paid off and I won! I am so happy ☺️ So we opened the bottle! The first aroma is fruity, but it is already juicy from the nose! This is promising! The aroma of Hakutsuru Nishiki, which is slightly carbonated and fragrant, gets my heart racing even before I drink it. The first thing that spreads in the mouth is a rich sweetness! You will feel a melting sweetness that is both fruity and juicy. However, as you swallow it, you will feel a lingering elegant aftertaste and a sharp taste deep in your throat that will run through your body. This is delicious! I have had a few Jikkons in the past, but this one is also good. I found myself drinking two gou of it. And before I knew it, it was gone... It's not easy to get Jikin, but I will try my best to get it in the future. Next time I want to drink Aizan's Jikin again. ☺️
Good evening, Ankake-san. Jikin, a beloved sake! I'm the same way ✨ It's awesome that you won the lottery sale: ⤴️ I would love to have as much of Jikin as possible 🍶.
Good evening, ma-ki! I didn't think I would win, so I'm very happy to hear that you like Jikin too. ☺️ ma-ki- you like Jikin too? I would like to have a variety of Jikin too ✨.