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Koshiji no Kobaiしぼりたて無濾過純米生原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Koshiro no Kohbai Shiboritate Unfiltered Junmai Nama Genshu I've been curious about this Koshijino Koume Shiboritate from Kibiki Shuzo. It was wrapped in a paper bag with a design of dripping sake. Ah, the freshly squeezed feeling. I bought it at the first sake shop of the new year. It is clear and bright yellow in color. The aroma is gorgeous and mellow. A crisp, refreshing sweet and sour taste permeates the palate. It has a refreshing bitterness like grapefruit. It is crisp, dry and juicy. It is fresh and light, but with a solid flavor and drinkability. It's delicious. It's a dangerous 17 degrees. ===Ingredients Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice malt (domestic) Raw Rice: Gohyakumangoku (rice produced in Niigata Prefecture) Rice polishing ratio: 60%. Alcohol content: 17%. 720ml 1,485yen === ★★★★★