SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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佐賀ん酒応援団 しめなわ
I bought this on my way home from the Tenzan Sake Brewery opening, which I mentioned in a previous post. This is my first time drinking Matsuura Ichi, which I don't see very often. After 2 years in Fukuoka, I found myself drinking the most sake from Saga, overtaking the sake from Nara. Checking in over 30 in Fukuoka...sometimes I miss sake from Kansai lol! Cold sake. Gentle and mellow umami. Some acidity. The aftertaste is rather dry. Next, it was served hot. The umami flavor seems to have mellowed. Personally, I think it tastes better if you take it out of the refrigerator and let it sit for about 10 minutes before drinking. We had it with yakitori.