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Gakki Masamuneforte piano type-c特別本醸造原酒中取り無濾過
Gakki Masamune Check-in 1Gakki Masamune Check-in 2
This is a sake specially made for liquor stores within the Masamune Instrument family. It is said to be unfiltered and unpasteurized to take full advantage of its flavor. Since Musical Instrument Masamune itself produces a high level of sake with aluzoe, we have high expectations for this one as well. The taste is fruity, which is not often seen in other sake, and at 13% low alcohol, it is easy to drink too much of it. It has a mild sweetness like mango, peach, or banana, with a rather light aftertaste. This is one of my personal favorites. I recommend it to those who like modern, fruity flavors. It reminded me once again of the high level of the instrument Masamune. This is amazing.