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Smooth and easy to drink. Smooth like water. And so fruity that I couldn't help but talk to the liquor, "Are you a juice? I couldn't help but talk to the sake 👀✨. The aroma was so delightful that I was swooning when I had it in my mouth forever! LOL! The slight sourness that lingered at the end made me want to drink more, and when I came to, I found myself empty 🌟. It was delicious!
Good evening, chiaki🌛! I remember the first time I drank "Sentori" a long time ago, I was shocked by its subtle sweetness and just the right amount of sourness to make me want another glass ✨. I haven't been able to drink it lately, so I'll have to go get some 😁.
Hi chiaki 😃 Sentori Ippou ‼️ is one of our favorite bottles too and we got it on our 200th bottle 🤗It's really smooth and delicious ☺️ if only it were cheaper 😅. The handwritten Sentori mark is also a nice touch 😄.
Hi Gyve! I was completely charmed as it was my first time to taste Sentori... ♡ I can see why it was so highly rated in Sake no Wa ✨Please procure some for yourself! (I'm sure you'll be able to find it in the Sakénawa area! Let's drink together!
Hi Jay & Nobby! I was thinking of Tochigi when I think of Sentori, and you two when I think of Tochigi, so I drank it while thinking of you two 🥰 lol It was really good, so I'm planning to go out and buy another bottle 😉 ✨.