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Hououbidenミクマリ〜FLY HIGH〜純米大吟醸生酒
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This time it is Houou Mita Mikumari Junmai Daiginjo! 🍶. When I asked the clerk at the liquor store for a sake with a strong acidity, he recommended this item. It is a Houou Mita, so my expectations were quite high! 💪. It has a gaseous taste. It is quite strong. It has acidity and carbonation, so it is quite refreshing on the palate! It's very refreshing on the palate with its acidity and carbonation! It is a very refreshing wine! It reminds me of when I drank Houou Mita Hiyayoroshi before... The unique umami flavor spreads all over my mouth even after swallowing! ✨ It's a real treat! This is a test brew..............................................Hououomida is to be feared...! I really hope they release this as a regular sake👍 It's quite light, so it's perfect for summer! I couldn't drink much in August because I was suffering from corona...................................too bad! 😭😭
Good morning, v0ru. Zdon's deliciousness after the acidity - sounds delicious ✨. I recently got mine and I'm looking forward to drinking it more and more after reading your post 😊. Sorry you had a tough Corona 💧 Enjoy your drinking life without any problems 🎵.
Thank you for your comment, ma-ki-! The carbonation, acidity, and flavor all stood out! Very tasty! 👍 Thank you for your concern 🙇. I will take care of my body and not destroy it 😆.
Good evening, v0ru.😃 This Mita is really good 😋. It's not too sweet for a Mida and it's right up our alley 😙. It's hard to take a Corona 🦠 these days 😰 so let's take our time and drink 👋.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! ✋ This was really delicious, wasn't it? It was a real strike for me too! 👍 I had a high fever and then it got better, but I don't want to be affected anymore 😭. I will disinfect it with alcohol lol.