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Kanae夏生 純米吟醸 おりがらみ純米吟醸生酒
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Purchased at a liquor store's recommendation. The first impression was sweet! The aroma is sweet rummy. When you drink it, you can feel the sweet rummy taste and the sourness in the back surrounded by the sweetness. It is a bit of a cloudy taste, but there is no fizzy feeling. The aroma is somewhat mysterious, and it is a type of aroma that I have never had before. It's hard to explain... The taste is very typical of Nagano sake (I don't know if it is or not), but it is very rich. The next day, when I drank it in a wine glass, it was pineapple! It smells like pineapple and tastes like pineapple. The bitterness also increased. I think it has a very strong flavor for a summer wine. It is tasty, but a little sweet for my taste, so I enjoyed it with a small snack.
Good evening, Mr. Kotaro. I would like to try Ding, but it is not available in Kansai and I have not been able to drink it yet 😥. I'm really curious about it because I like Ramune and 🍍😆.
Good morning, bouken! It's a sweeter sake than it looks and it's delicious 😆🍍. If you like sweet sake, please come to our store in Kansai 🙏✨.