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Tsukinokatsura立春朝搾り 純米吟醸 生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Risshun Asashibori celebrates the arrival of spring on February 4, Risshun. The calendar says it will be spring, but it will be a while before we can actually feel the arrival of spring, so let's celebrate spring with sake a little earlier. This is Tsukitsukatsura by Tokubei Masuda Shoten in Fushimi, Kyoto. It is a junmai ginjo-nama sake brewed with 60% polished rice produced in Kyoto. The appearance is clear with a slight hint of orizumi whiteness. The aroma has a sweet, kiwi-like aroma with a hint of sweetness. In the mouth, there is a kiwi-like fruity acidity, followed by a strong sweetness with umami and sourness. There is also a slight bitterness, but it is not persistent. The aftertaste disappears quickly and makes you want to take another sip. The sweet and sourness you feel when you drink more cups makes you feel the coming of spring. Thank you for the sake!