SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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いわし料理 いなせ
The second drink was a bijou, which I was curious about from the menu. The introduction by the restaurant describes it as "a delicate taste reminiscent of a Kabuki onnagata." The menu listed it as a ginjo, but a quick search revealed that it was a daiginjo, or "dance" in Japanese. The clear, transparent taste of this sake would make one suspect that it is a premium sake priced at about 10,000 yen for a four-quart bottle. Although I was expecting a dry sake from Kochi, what struck me was the sweetness of the sake. It is true that at the end you can find the sake level rather than the dryness or spiciness, but the clarity throughout the entire bottle swallows it up and does not leave a spicy impression. Once again, sake is more than fish. I thought I had made the wrong choice with the tatsuta-age, but it was surprisingly not bad. But the sardines are just delicious.