Kamokinshu特別純米 うすにごり生
I'm stressed about something or other,
But at the end of the day, I want to reset 🥹.
A good sake 🍶 and tasty snacks...
That's it! Happy 💕😋.
Today, I'm going to have a Kakkun🏏Kamokin 😉.
Slightly sparkling fresh and refreshing acidity.
Light nigori light but mellow umami.
Tiny lees, a cherry blizzard 🌸🌸.
It flows easily down the back of the throat 🎵.
Sashimi of flatfish
Squid with ume plum ball
Snap peas with miso󠄀mayo
Delicious, delicious 😆✨️
Good morning, Mr. Minosuke!
I'm sure you're stressed out about everything 😥.
I hope you are well healed by the delicious Kamokin and tasty snacks that flow smoothly 🍀.
Let's get some power from sake 😊.
ma-ki-. Hello 😊.
If I focus all my energy on making snacks and enjoy a good sake 🍶, I can usually fight off the stress 👊👊😆.
It's the 🌟power of the 🌟god of deliciousness ✌️