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龍神丸瓶囲い 生原酒原酒生酒無濾過
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I wanted to try drinking Ryujinmaru🐉. I happened to stop by the Nanki-Shirahama Toretore Market I happened to stop by the Nanki-Shirahama Toretore Market and found various specs on the shelf at a fixed price, so I bought it. The first aroma was of grain-like alcohol and chocolate. On the palate, it has a subtle sweetness like brown sugar and a savory bitterness. The alcohol content of 18 degrees is powerful. I do not dislike it. On the second day, the alcohol smell settles down, The mild sweetness and umami are balanced by the bitterness. I was able to enjoy it as a food sake. It went well with simmered kampachi (yellowtail).
Hi Lutertemi 😊. I see you sold sake at the Toretore market😳 And it's Ryujinmaru🐉. I can totally understand the savory bitterness! It surely goes well with boiled fish 🧐.
Good evening, Maru-san 😁. I thought Ryujinmaru was only available at special dealers, so I was lucky ✌️. It is a very unique sake. I would like to try other specs when I get used to drinking it 😋.