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Edion (エディオン なんば本店)
It has a slight cherry-like sweetness that is typical of Yokoyama, and flows with a slight bitterness. It is a smooth, summery flavor, so those who like the regular product may find it lacking. The first Nagasaki sake in a while was a summer jungin that I drank outside last year. When I happened to be in Namba for a drink, I stopped by Edion and bought it because it was still there. The label has a cute tropical image, so you would think it was fruity, but it wasn't💧. 720 mL ¥ 1,678
Rafa papa
Good evening Mr. Yoohee😃 I knew you've got Nagasaki's sake well under control😊My parents live in Saitama and I got Kahayo when I went back home at the end of the year✌️ I wonder if I can get it this Obon 🙄.
Good evening, Mr. Yoohee 🌙 I may not have enough, but I would like to drink this summer sake😊I would like to drink all the yokoyama 😁.
Good evening, Rafa. ⭐︎ I've been following mainly Hiran this year, but I still buy it when I see it at Yokoyama✨. Especially if I find a bottle that I haven't drank at home 👍.
Pon, good evening. ⭐︎ I'm so glad you always want to try Nagasaki sake✨ I'm looking forward to your review of the Yokoyama drinking comparison... ♪