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ChiyonohikariKENICHIRO 白ラベル純米吟醸原酒
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The K series bears the initials of Kenichiro Ikeda of Chiyomitsu, and the label was created by his friend Ryuta Aoki, an artist from Myoko City, and expresses the melting snow that becomes brewing water as it seeps into the ground in Myoko, an area with heavy snowfall. Fruity, banana-like aroma with a touch of citrus. Clear, with a touch of shine. Smooth and silky on the palate, sweet and sour, juicy Sweet and sour, juicy firm acidity. The refreshing grapefruit-like bitterness and astringency The astringent taste is slowly delicious. It has a sharp taste and goes down well. It has a great flavor with a low alcohol content, but it is very drinkable. Yum! === Rice Ingredients:Rice(domestic),Rice malt(domestic) Rice used for making it: Rice grown in Niigata Prefecture Polishing ratio: 50%. Alcohol content: 14 Sake degree: -11.0 Acidity: 1.8 1,760 yen for 720ml === ★★★★☆