SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Sake in Miyagi Missed out on buying a bottle of summer sake Kurikomayama Hachisaku I've always wanted to drink Kurikomayama, so I got Hiyayoroshi instead. I got Hiyayogoshi instead! Not much aroma. The mouthfeel is rich with umami. The sweetness is not too strong and is easily asserted. Later on, the umami is very strong. The acidity is not strong. Finish dry with a little alcohol. By the second day, the alcohol feeling is almost gone. It is a wonderfully balanced food sake. This is very delicious 😋. I got a bottle of Wataya Special Junmai Kawaguchi Natto Miyamanishiki to go with the Kurikoma-yama! My first Wataya at home! And Kawaguchi Natto has been on my mind for a long time! Looking forward to it 😊.