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SenkinUA ナチュール・トリニティ生酛原酒
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I was looking forward to seeing the ultra-ancient method of white malted rice brewing 🤗It's ecological, with only minimal information specified, and dressed to resemble a clothing tag! The lactic acidity is exactly what you would expect from Sentori. It has a slight apple, banana, yellow peach, honey lemon-like sweet and sour taste that comes up to the throat, and a tangerine syrupy feeling, and the cute and delicious feeling will make you feel relaxed. After swallowing, it is softly present with sweet and bitter acidity and umami. Although the alcohol content is 12%, the expressive and deep tasting acidity is hidden, and the sake is so easy to drink that it is hard to believe it is sake, making the cup go down smoothly.
Hi Kotori 😃 You went ahead of the prefects' group 🤗. This is a great poetic review 🥹 that I would love to hear from Senkou's Usui-san. At 12 degrees, I'm afraid I'll finish it before I feel better 😆.
Jay & Nobby Good evening😊I'm just rambling as I feel....ohhazukashii🫣I was torn between this heat and X, but I went with the first one here 🤭The second day was more banana-like and interesting 🤗J&N, I hope you will too.
Kotori konbanhar (o´ omega`o)no~~~ White koji brewing❣️ I'm curious 💭👀✨ The sad part is that I have to drive 300km to buy it for sure 🥺.
Eririn-chan💕Good evening 💕⭐️Akita tour 🚗You harvested 🍶some 🍶savory 😉 300km for shopping is quite a distance 🥺I'm sure it would be a shock if you didn't find what you were looking for 😱I'm impressed with your footloose attitude 🚗.