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It's been a long time since I bought a jacket since Butterfly Effect. I looked it up and found that it is the Hayashi head office of Hyakujuro, a well-known kumatori? I'm not sure if it's Hayashi Honten or Kuragen Hayashi Honten. There are Hayashi Honten and Kuragen Hayashi Honten, so I'm not sure😅. It is said to be fruity like melon, but I didn't feel it so much. It's supposed to be sweet, but the high acidity makes it have a clean aftertaste. It is quite tasty 😋. It can also be used as a food wine. I would like to explore more and more with the hanpukai and jackets.
Hi Maru, good evening. I've heard of Hyakujuro, but this one is new to me and I'm curious: ⤴️ I'm a big fan of sake that is sweet and sour and well balanced ✨. The hanpukai certainly sounds like a lot to explore😊.
Good evening, Mr. Maru. I saw this at Sukumasa where Nemuchi and I went during the rain storm, but I didn't know what it was so I passed it up 💦. It was sweet 😆. I'm sure it was sweet 😆 Sukumasa has a lot of mystery liquors when I go there 🤣.
Good evening, Maru 😃. I can't read it even though I'm a jackass 😅I wonder what it's called 🤔Suigan or something like that?
Good evening, ma-ki🌒. It was my first time too, so I bought it without a second thought 😆 I liked the straightforwardness of it, without being eccentric. It is quite a good sake.
Good evening, bouken 🌒. Thanks for your hard work during the rain storm 😁Sukumasa is always putting in new stuff so I enjoy it 🙌! It's sweet but quite refreshing and nice! I'm also curious to see what Nemuchi is looking for 🧐.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌒. It seems that Suifuan is read as Suiruan. It means "green peak. It seems that blue and green used to be described as the same color. There are a lot of hard-to-read sake brands, aren't there? For example, "Shigemasu".