SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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地酒とワインの店 マルマタ
I asked the store owner for a sake that goes well with yakiniku, and this is what he came up with. I had a hard time deciding between a lion and a cheetah, so I bought this one. It's a sake for meat, so I guess I'm a carnivore, lol. When you put it in your mouth, it has a gentle sweetness, followed by sourness and a hint of alcohol, just like a sweet white wine. The aftertaste is robust, with a flavor of rice and lactic acid bacteria. The balance of the strong acidity and the wine's smooth disappearance is irresistible. I will buy Lion next time....
Good evening, Banbanboo 😃. That store is awesome 😳I wonder if there was once a store that could fulfill so many customer's requests so straight forwardly, so much like a strike ⚾️🍶😁. I was wondering about this and it was helpful: ☺️
Mr. Aladdin. It is indeed amazing, isn't it? I think it must be a very ironclad combination because you answered right away when I asked you 😄.