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I always make it with Ryuji's croquettes. with croquettes. 😍 R2BY once-fired 3 years old. 😍 Nutty and almondy, Bittersweet and flavorful, just like an aged sake. It's like an aged sake. 😂 When cold, it's clean and dry, and when When cold, it's clean and dry, and when warmed from room temperature to lukewarm, it has a full-bodied, faintly sweet taste. I felt it was a great workmanship. I felt it was a great product. I found it to be the best when warmed up to lukewarm. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I'm sure you'll enjoy it 😄.
Good evening, Hanapin 🌙 It's getting colder and more sake tastes good when heated 😊👍Heated aged sake, anything goes with it ❣️ and I want to eat croquettes😍
Good evening, Pon. 😊 Cooking, all the same, I'm sorry. (I'm sorry. I boil water in a glass boar cup. It takes a long time and I'm worried it will break. I'm worried that it will take a long time and break. (I'm afraid it will take a long time and break.