SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Tenju鳥海山 純米大吟醸純米大吟醸
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Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo (京王プラザホテル)
Akita Sake Fest #20, it's the last one❣️. Sorry, those of you who have been with us. Thank you 😭 But I guess the first 4 or 5 cups, it's hard to make a detailed evaluation 😅. It's hard to make a detailed evaluation once you've had them😅. 28 out of 36 Akita breweries participated in this festival. It's been 3 years since the last festival for sake drinkers😅. In the end, we had sake from 20 breweries 🍶😊. In the 2 hours we were there, we talked a little bit. I couldn't visit all of them! Some booths were crowded, so I had to skip around. I probably went around 3 times, if I have another chance. I would love to attend events in different prefectures 😊. What surprised me was that there were young women who looked like they came alone. I wondered if sake is secretly booming. I thought. I wonder if there were people from Sake no Wa? Chokaizan was very tasty, and Tenju Chokaiyama is very tasty and Tenju is a sake brewery with a spirit of challenge. It's a sake brewery with a spirit of challenge 😊.
Thanks for finishing the race, Harry Sakeboy 🤗. If you do too many of them, the impression gets blurred in the middle 😅.
Thank you Haruei Chichi 😊 Well, it was harder than I thought, it's all blurry now 😅Yakko sister disappeared without my knowledge, well, there was a second part too, so it's hard work there too 😊.
Good evening Harry Sakeboy! You went around and drank a lot...(๑˃˃˃)Looking at the reviews, there were a lot of my favorite Akita sake...(*´-`)This kind of eve is good...
mamiko, it was great to meet you! I was busy standing around 😅 mamiko, did it remind you of the countryside? The sake brewery was very lively 😀.