SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Jikon特別純米 火入れ特別純米
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Let's go have a light meal and drinks. We went to Namarayoshi, which we visited once before. We started with a small drink course with two grilled skewers! You can choose one of your favorite brands of sake, and also three different kinds of sake in a sake cup! There are 15 kinds of sake plus 5 kinds of Hokkaido sake, so you can choose your favorite brand from a total of 20 kinds! If there is Jikin, you can't miss it! Special Junmai Hi-ire, Standard Since the first time I had it in Yamagata, I have had it in Sapporo, Kyoto, and Hakodate! There are hi-ire and nama-shu, but only hi-ire tonight! It was served a little while after the temperature had risen a little, so you can taste the sweetness of the sake. It's always a great drink! extensive knowledge Rice : Koji: Yamadanishiki, Kake: Hachitanishiki Rice polishing ratio :60 Alcohol content :15.5