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Sotenbo純米活性にごり生酒 プロ限定純米生酒にごり酒発泡
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Soutenbo Junmai Activated Nigori Nama Sake Professional Limited Edition The warning is scary 😱. This was recommended to me at Matsuzawa at the beginning of the year. When you twist the stopper, it shoots up in the bottle! Scary! I'm sweating! I tightened the bottle immediately, opened it a little bit, it spurted up, and tightened it immediately. I kept doing this for a while... I was able to open the bottle without spilling. It was rare to see a child enjoying watching his father open a bottle of sake. When I saw the lees spouting, I remembered that I used to have an interior lamp like this. It was cloudy and cloudy with lees. The firing sensation is pitch-perfect! Light, not heavy. The aroma is refreshing, smooth and clean. Not heavy but light, refreshing aroma, smooth and clean, freshly squeezed and refreshing to drink. It is fresh and refreshing. It's good to drink while making dumplings. Good to drink with dumplings! === Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice malt (domestic) Raw material rice: Takamine Nishiki from Niigata Prefecture Rice polishing ratio: 60 Alcohol content: 16 degrees Sake content: +0.0 Acidity:1.4 720ml 1,375yen === ★★★★☆