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Koshiji no Kobaiうすべに純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Ponshu-kan (ぽんしゅ館)
The snow has already disappeared from the lower elevation ski areas, Echigo-Yuzawa. Today, we have a bottle of Echigo-Yuzawa Benibai with a cute label. It is made from 100% Gohyakumangoku rice produced in Kakizaki, Niigata Prefecture, 60% polished rice, 16% alcohol by volume, and requires refrigeration. It has a sourness and a little bit of a "splash" feeling. It has a high aroma and is very refreshing. Today's snack was silken tofu with salted black pepper and olive oil. It is an Italian dish, but it goes well with it. I wonder if my life of unlimited sake selection will soon come to an end!