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Sake-no-wa Kansai Off-line Meeting (6) The sixth bottle introduced here was brought by [sake-run]. Gonin Musume Musuhi The sixth bottle was a bottle of "Gonin Musume Musuhi", which he said was his quota of at least one sake per person! He said it was his "quota". 100% pesticide-free brown rice with a milling rate of 100% ✨. I saw a program on "Shinsei: The Complete Guide to the Classical Techniques of Japanese Sake" a long time ago and the rice was milled to 94%, but this is even better than that 😅. Nemuchi-san, who opened all the sakes for us this time, was also able to finally open the bottle after about 10 minutes of opening and closing, opening and closing again to let the gas out 🎉. The aroma of rice bran, the strong carbonation, the coarse flavor, and the aroma of rice bran on the nose 🥒. Once you drink it, the rough umami on the other side of the bran becomes a bit addictive! In a sense, this is a bottle that shows the potential of sake 😁. Some people said it was a perfect match for the "Pork Tequila" that Mr. Sakeran himself has been making! Thank you, Mr. Sakeran 😋! Corrected and added!
Good evening, Mr. Gyves. I have the image that Terada Honke's sake is very peculiar, but I think this one stands out from the rest 😅. I think you should drink this one to deepen your knowledge 😋.
Hello bouken! I was a bit overwhelmed by the impact of the first sight, but as I took a sip or two, I learned a lot about the peculiarities of the dish 😁. I regretted that I ate the pork chops first 😅.