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KamoshibitokuheijiHuman 純米大吟醸純米大吟醸
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地酒 仙丸
Masaaki Sapporo
8.5 → 9 points (wife: 8 points) Rice: Yamadanishiki Rice polishing ratio: 45 Yeast used: Undisclosed Sake meter: Undisclosed Acidity: Undisclosed Alcohol content: 16 Seller: Senmaru (Sapporo, Japan) Poko when opened No gassy feeling Slightly green melon-like top taste The same fruity aroma, mild sweetness, and rice umami as the first sip, with a rather firm bitterness and acidity, spreads gently and quickly, leaving the umami of the rice behind. It is fruity and mellow, but thanks to its characteristic bitterness, it is easy to drink and goes well with meals. It is well-balanced and delicious on its own. After the second day, the bitterness is lessened and the sweetness and umami are more noticeable, further improving the balance. It goes well with tuna head, squid somen noodles, and seared beef tongue. It also went well with the Mont Blanc from Yanagizuki (cheaper and tastier than the ones from the inferior convenience stores).
Good evening, Masaaki Sapporo! And nice to meet you ( ^ ^ )/■ Kuheiji Ojisan is delicious 👨. I'm referring to the sake quality as it seems to be close to my taste 😋🙏.
Masaaki Sapporo
Good evening, Mr. Stagger! Thank you for everything! I have a problem with so many different kinds of delicious drinks, lol.