SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Ubusuna2023 穂増 四農醸純米生酛生酒
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Yesterday was a beautiful day. Ontake Rock Garden We were showered with fresh greenery and negative ions from the waterfall. and the waterfall. If you're going to drink, it should be green and shuwa shuwa shuwa! So, it's my first visit to Hozu! I love San-do, but I've only ever had Yamada-nishiki, I've only ever had Yamada-Nishiki, so I was Excited ☺️ 55% polished Homasu, 13% alcohol by volume When I removed the plastic cover and opened the crown A loud and lively sound and smoke 💨. Pour it into a glass and it's full of shwashy bubbles The top-tasting aroma is citrus to Japanese pear type with a hint of sake yeast and sourness. On the palate Oh, it's totally different from Yamadanishiki ❗️ Less sweetness on the palate Bitterness and astringency are stronger. Even when the temperature rises, the sweetness does not spread much. It tastes quite dry. The clear taste reminds of water. And Yamada-Nishiki is a sake rice that has been improved Yamada-Nishiki is a sake rice that has been improved Yamada-Nishiki is a sake rice that has been improved to suit people's tastes. I can feel the spirit of the Hananoka Sake Brewery! Alone, the sweetness of Yamadanishiki attracts me. I think Hozu would be great with tempura and other dishes.
Good morning, ymdaz 😃. I can feel the negative ions from your photos 😌. The green connection from there is a good flow of birthing hoso 🤗 I can feel the sound just by imagining it😍you have to drink it to know what it tastes like 😆.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃. I was looking at the waterfall and the fresh greenery. I was all over the image of Hozu. The flavor was less sweet and more in line with the green image 😉.